Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 8 : Reading diary

Looking back at my blog I feel like I have come a very long way. First and foremost I have never written a blog before in my entire life so starting a blog was something really interesting and new to me. It was definitely some great to learn. Also I am not a story book reader but instead I enjoy watching movies with an interesting story line in particular mythical movies (which yes, this class is based on). I definitely feel like this class has helped me widen my horizon in terms of the style of reading material given. And it has helped me tap into my imagination allowing me to recreate great my myth-folklore stories told.

I think the reading dairies are a very useful tool in this class. Yes, some may say that they are time consuming especially whilst balancing it with other classes. But I really believe that they are very useful in the sense that it provides me with a brief summary of what I have written helping me incorporate my thoughts with the story telling part of the reading week. This is also useful as with the reading dairy at hand you do not need to go back referring to your original source for ideas as you have already jotted down your thoughts whilst reading.

I think that my blog is coming along great and the use of images and links for each unit is also helpful. By having us read our fellow class mates stories each week it helps make your decision of possible reading units you may or may not be interested in so I think that’s a plus for this class. I also really appreciate the encouragement of reading out loud after writing, as it proves to be a useful tip in helping correct minor errors that you may not catch when reading in your head.

So far I think the course structure is really well put and a very enjoyable class.

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