This week I read about African stories from Lang’s fairy
tale book. I thought that this week’s reading was quite interesting. To be
honest it was not my favorite but I enjoyed it more than last week’s reading. I
enjoy reading books that have a variety of different story topic incorporated
into it making it one. As I believe that it really helps keep the readers focus
– well at least mine. The fact that it had a series of short stories allowed me
to pick one and retell it in my own words.
A few of my favorite stories were The heart of the monkey as
you can tell as I have chosen to retell it in this week’s story telling task. I
loved the character of the monkey and how wise he was in preventing himself
from giving the sultan his heart.. I also really enjoyed reading about the
washermans donkey. One thing that stood out to me the most about this story is
the reason why the donkey was tricked by the hare twice. I think it is rather intriguing
how they use the heart to be the tool for thought and it being the reason she
came back twice believing the hare, when I would assume that it would be your
brain that is the deciding tool. I guess different cultures assume that
different things are used to help make decisions and I’m guessing in this case
because the donkey didn’t have a heart she made the same mistake twice. Finally
my third favorite was the story of Makoma, whilst reading this story I felt
like I was reading the African version of the story of Hercules. As Makoma too
went on a mission conquering different obstacles making him the undefeated one
as did Hercules with the twelve obstacles. And in the end Makoma being made a
God as was Hercules (half mortal half god).
Collectively this was a really good reading unit, and I
would also say it was a an easy read with a good flow to it.
This sounds like a very enjoyable reading unit. I kind of wish I had read it now instead of reading the Brer Rabbit, but that's how it works out sometimes. I'm glad you liked it and everything. Makoma sounds like a really cool character and really does sound like Hercules. Seriously, that image makes him look pretty awesome and tough-as-nails. Anyway, props to you and continue with the great reads this semester!