The Italian Love Story : This book is rather interesting as the title sounds far more interesting than the content of it, hence what drew me to it. You wouldn't think reading the title that it is actually based on how I met your mother. Its pretty cool how they used images from how I met your mother to portray different couples, shows great imagination.The lay out is pretty basic as it goes to explain each couples love story separately and you don't have numerous love stories going on at the same time. It is almost as if you are starting a new book each time you read about one of the other friends love story.To be honest the design also is very basic, making it an easy read. The link is provided below if you want to read it in more depth.
Time Travel of King Arthur: I think this student showed outstanding imagination in the since that they have linked the present time using technology (a time machine) back into medieval times. Also the use of different text styles to go back and forth to educated the readers as to why the character in the story wanted to witness the pulling of the sword and its significance. This is something not usually seen in writing but rather in movies i.e when you see " five-years earlier" at the bottom of the screen. As for the layout of this story the design and font compliment the moment in time the writer was trying to portray. However they might have done a better job with the font sizing.The link is provided below if you want to read it in more depth.
The Lost Books of the Bible: The title in the book pretty much explains what the content of this book will be based on. The wording of the title is sound very interesting as it almost creates a sense of mystery in the readers head. The introduction of this book is very thorough and detailed. The reading content of this story sounds rather authentic as it is pretty much a research being carried out day by day thus making the reader more interested in what further findings might be uncovered. However the design of it is very simple and basic. The link to this book is as follows:

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