Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 4: Essay

This week I have chosen to write about wisdom again. The reason for this is because I really wanted to analyze the story of Moses and El-Khudr this week. As I think the topic “wisdom” fits perfectly with this story. Although I am sure one can find areas of wisdom that are also shown in the other stories in this unit (Holy Land Folklore Unit Reading Diary).

This one stood out to me the most as El-Khudr (the man whom Moses was told to accompany) was not a prophet, a messenger of God, or even a man of great status within the community. Instead he was amongst the villagers or the people of the city at the time of Moses. I think this is a great example of us not underestimating the powers of someone who is below us no matter what our status maybe. Even if we are someone of higher status as Moses was at the time in comparison to the man.

 Yes, one might argue that El-Khudrs actions cannot be portrayed as being wise or possessing wisdom of any sort. As all three of the events Moses witnessed with him were things that would be considered to be really bad. However in the end of the story we learn that it is not his action that we must focus on it is the bigger picture. The reason I say this is because if he had not done the things that he did a lot of bad would have come from it, so we are told in the story of Moses and El-Khudr. So one might go on to say that they were preventative actions in which he was given the authority or the command to do by the will of God.

In this story we see that Moses was clueless to something’s and that although Moses was a great man of his time he did not know it all.
(Allah written on the wall of a mosque)

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